Friday, January 4, 2008

back to life, back to reality.

the 2008 list.

(not in chronological order or order of importance but first thought and then some. subject to undocumented expansion)

-write thesis proposal. write it well. write it soon. it's overdue. afterall.

-email patrick (beforehand aforementioned) to let him know the proposal is admittedly late but on its way.

-ummmm third reader. joseph? yes please

-email n.s. like now. but not now, tomorrow.

-upload video.

-(pay bills)
-(make money)


-keep in touch

-read and write and read and write and read and write.

-(do laundry) (clean room) (clean studio)


-all that other stuff.

-new york flights planning soon (birthday)

-nashville, she said?

-meetings and recordings.

-networkin and connectivity activities

-push push push it on and up and

-buckle down

-(swim) (stretch) (move)

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